Tank Inspector Sues Brinkerhoff Inspection for Unpaid Overtime
A former tank inspector has filed suit against Brinkerhoff Inspection, Inc. (“Brinkerhoff”) for unpaid overtime. Brinkerhoff primarily provides inspection services to oil and gas producers and others in the oil and gas industry. The plaintiff alleges that Brinkerhoff Inspection, Inc. and its owners, Bront Bird, Luke Bird and Steven Sheffield were formerly the employers, co-employers and/or joint employers of the plaintiff. Plaintiff was hired by Defendants as a tank inspector and paid a flat daily rate for each day worked, regardless of the number of hours worked in each day or each week. Plaintiff alleges that Defendants paid Plaintiff (and other similarly situated employees) a day rate in order to avoid paying overtime. During his time with Defendants, Plaintiff alleges that he typically worked at least 10 hours per day, six days per week. Yet Plaintiff (and other similarly situated employees) did not receive any additional compensation for the hours worked above forty in a week, and thus Defendants denied their workers overtime pay in violation of federal law.
If you are or were, within the past three years, a pipeline inspector, tank inspector, quality control inspector or other oilfield worker who was paid a salary or a day rate and denied overtime pay, consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible to learn whether you are entitled to unpaid overtime. Josh Borsellino is a Texas attorney who represents oilfield workers in overtime pay lawsuits. For a free consultation of your unpaid overtime claim, call Josh at 817.908.9861 or complete this free form.