When an out-of-state company is sued in federal court in Dallas or Fort Worth, it is imperative that the company quickly find local counsel. The local rules of the Northern District of Texas require out-of-state counsel to retain local counsel for cases pending in the Northern District. Local Rule 83.10 provides that “[u]nless exempted by LR 83.11, local counsel is required in all cases where an attorney appearing in a case does not reside or maintain the attorney’s principal office in this district. ‘Local counsel’ means a member of the bar of this court who resides or maintains the attorney’s principal office in this district and whose residence or principal office is located within 50 miles of the courthouse in the division in which the case is pending....” Local counsel must be authorized to present and argue a party's position at any hearing called by the presiding judge on short notice.
Immediately after graduating from Tulane Law School, Josh Borsellino clerked for the Chief Judge of the Western District of Texas for two years. Since 2006, Josh Borsellino has practiced in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and has practiced extensively in the federal courts in Texas, including the Northern District, on a range of civil cases, representing clients ranging from individuals to Fortune 500 companies, and everything in between, both as plaintiffs and defendants, on a wide variety of cases involving federal claims (trademark and copyright infringement, FLSA, Title VII) and state law claims (fraudulent inducement, breach of contract, DTPA claims). Before founding his own firm, Mr. Borsellino previously worked at Haynes and Boone, one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in Texas where he was voted as a “Rising Star” by Thompson Reuters and has served as local counsel on a number of federal cases in the Northern District of Texas.
Please review Josh Borsellino’s federal case list for more information regarding Josh Borsellino’s extensive federal court experience: Federal Case List
If you are an out-of-town, out-of-state or foreign law firm handling significant litigation in Dallas, Fort Worth or elsewhere in the Northern District of Texas, please contact me at 817.908.9861. I would be happy to speak to you and discuss how my firm could assist you in representing your client.