Oilfield Worker Files Overtime Lawsuit Against DXP
A former worker of DXP Enterprises, Inc. has filed a federal lawsuit against the company, asserting claims for unpaid overtime. DXP is a publicly traded company that offers compliance and consulting services to clients in, inter alia, the oil and gas industry. Plaintiff worked as a “Safety Consultant” for one of DXP’s clients, Chevron, from July of 2016 until February of 2017. Plaintiff believes there are a large number of workers that have been hired through DXP (and are paid through DXP) but worked or are working strictly at Chevron facilities, all of whom are classified as independent contractors and all of whom are paid a day rate and/or straight time and denied overtime pay.
If you work or in the past three years worked for DXP and was (1) paid on a day rate basis; and (2) classified as an independent contractor, you may have a claim for unpaid overtime, and you could be owed thousands of dollars in unpaid overtime plus an equal amount in liquidated damages. If you believe you may be owed overtime, you should consider speaking with an experienced overtime attorney as soon as possible to learn about and protect your legal rights.
In order to participate in the lawsuit, workers must file a consent to join form. The plaintiffs are represented by Josh Borsellino of the law firm of Borsellino, P.C. NOTE: Unless you receive, sign and return to Borsellino, P.C. a Consent Form stating that you wish to join the lawsuit, you are NOT a party to the lawsuit, and Borsellino, P.C. does not represent you or your interests. Persons who have evidence regarding this case or who wish to obtain a Consent Form to join the lawsuit may call Josh Borsellino at 817.908.9861 or submit a case inquiry using this form. For additional information, feel free to visit our firm’s other website, oilfieldovertime.com.